World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Baranova M.S. [The relationship of narrative and syntax with the author’s ideas in Yuri Kazakov’s story «Teddy»] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

The relationship of narrative and syntax with the author’s ideas in Yuri Kazakov’s story «Teddy»

Baranova Margarita Sergeevna
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia

Abstract. The article deals with the relationship between the syntax narrative and the author’s idea in Yuri Kazakov’s story «Teddy». The purpose of this article is to highlight the features of syntax and narrative in the story «Teddy» and trace their connection with the author’s idea. Tasks of the work: (1) analyze the narrative structure of this story; (2) consider the features of the syntax in the story; (3) explore the relationship of narrative and syntax with the idea of the author. The methodological and theoretical basis of this article was the works of Evgenia Ivanchikova, Wolf Schmid, Elena Paducheva, Boris Uspensky. In the course of the study, the author of the article proved that the narrative structure of «Teddy» is a synthesis of two points of view: the narrator and the bear. The bear’s point of view is conveyed with the help of free indirect discourse and egocentric elements in contexts of a psychological type: in them the reader learns about the feelings and experiences of the beast, about his special view of the world. Contexts of the informative type, on the contrary, are written on behalf of an exegetical narrator who does not name himself and does not occupy a specific place in the space and time of the work. However, this narrator also expresses his point of view in relation to the events described. It is noteworthy that both these types of context are expressive and emotional. The author also identified the following expressive syntax techniques in the story: inversion, anaphora, lexical repetition, polysyndeton and rhetorical figures. The use of these techniques gives the text a special rhythm, which is typical for lyrical and ornamental prose, to which Kazakov’s works belong.

Keywords: narrative; syntax; narration; narrator; point of view; narrative structure; egocentric elements

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