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For citation:
Aiusheev B.B. [Features of translation of the word Shara in the meaning of ‘light-haired’ from Buryat to Russian] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/20FLSK420.pdf (in Russian).
Features of translation of the word Shara in the meaning of ‘light-haired’ from Buryat to Russian
Aiusheev Bator Balzhinimaevich
Buryat state agriculture academy by V.R. Philippov, Ulan-Ude, Russia
E-mail: ayushbaatar@yandex.ru
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=955454
Abstract. The article discusses the features of translating the Buryat colorative “shar” in the meaning of ‘light-brown’ into Russian. In the Buryat language, the main meaning of the word “shara” is «yellow», but in combination with the word “uhen” (hair) it means «light-haired”, “russet-haired». However, in the colloquial speech of Buryat bilinguals, Buryat folklore texts, and in fiction, a different picture is observed as the word is often translated as “red”. This translation demonstrates differences in the language picture of the world between the Russians and the Buryats. The language picture can be affected by the belonging of the compared peoples to different races, which implies that the familiar environment with characteristic racial features is reflected in the perception of different colors and shades of color and, accordingly, in the functioning of the coloratives. In Russian, red hair bears a sustainable cultural connotation based on a cautious attitude to the red people. Moreover, red hair is the subject of a Russian blatant superstition. On the contrary, in the Buryat language, due to the absence of people with red hair among the ethnic group, the cultural connotation of the word is “fair”, or “light brown hair”, because the attitude of the Buryats to the people with brown hair is almost the same as the European one to red hair. Consequently, the word “shara” in the Buryat language has the associations similar to the perception of the Russian colorative “red”. In addition, the Buryats think that the meanings of the Russian coloratives “light brown” and “red” are becoming closer since they denote fair hair color, that is “non-black” hair color.
Keywords: colorative; colour naming; colour; language picture of the world; the cultural connotation transfer; the Buryat language
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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