World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2023, Vol. 14, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Uvarov I.A. [Assessment of the correctional potential of the domestic penal system (based on the results of a sociological survey of convicts)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

Assessment of the correctional potential of the domestic penal system (based on the results of a sociological survey of convicts)

Uvarov Igor Alekseevich
Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Stavropol branch, Stavropol, Russia

Abstract. Deprivation of liberty, as a type of criminal punishment, is a rather contradictory social and legal phenomenon. This determines a fairly wide range of ideas about both the penitentiary system itself and the requirements for its functioning. The difference in perceptions is also realized in the penitentiary practices of different States. It is generally believed that the domestic penal enforcement system lags significantly behind similar social institutions in other countries. The basis is taken not so much the content side of the applied penitentiary practices as the system of material and technical support of correctional institutions. Without denying the importance of material support for the implementation of penitentiary prevention in this context, the factor of subjective perception by convicts of any corrective measures applied to them is overlooked. In any approach to the organization of correctional impact on convicts, the activities of the correctional institution administration will play an important role in it. It is the administration that carries out daily interaction with persons in places of deprivation of liberty. We tried to answer the question whether the domestic penitentiary system is capable of solving the tasks facing it during the survey of convicts serving sentences in the form of imprisonment in correctional colonies of general and strict regime types.

Keywords: penal enforcement system; penitentiary prevention; deprivation of liberty; problems of serving a sentence; convicts; correctional institution

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