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For citation:
Musiychuk V.V., Anisimov N.V. [On the problem of communicative creativity in the process of training design students] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/17KLSK418.pdf (in Russian).
On the problem of communicative creativity in the process of training design students
Koroleva Elena Vladimirovna
Moscow university of the ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: elenkorolyova@yandex.ru
Senchenko Elena Arkadievna
Moscow university of the ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: senchenko.1506@mail.ru
Abstract. The basis of this article is the analysis of the terminology of the law enforcement system in Russian and English languages, which, being well-established, is still replenished with new words and word combinations – neologisms. In the process of teaching at the faculty of training specialists in the field of economic security and anti-corruption, the authors often face students’ problem of translating some new words and phrases. During the research, the authors have studied some sources, revealing the reasons for appearance of English and Russian neologisms, ways of their formation and usage. The main reasons for appearance of neologisms are global changes, such as creation of new technologies and methods of committing and combatting crimes, strengthening of international cooperation of law enforcement agencies of various countries, establishing of international police organizations, as well as some changes in professional sphere – reforms, upgrading the technical base, updating uniforms of police officers. The authors give a number of examples of international terms – words and collocations borrowed from other languages; abbreviations referring to some units and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, created during the reform; author’s neologisms to describe the practices and techniques used by criminals as well as slang word combinations, that are not a part of the terminological system, but are still an integral part of professional language. If the word wants to “to stay alive”, it has to be admitted widely in public speech and used by mass media, and/or personalities, such as politicians, authors etc. The replenishment of any language is necessary and unavoidable process; enrichment of terminology ensures unhindered and effective communication of specialists in the course of their professional activities.
Keywords: term; neologism; lexical system; new meaning; law enforcement activity; conceptual apparatus; professional language; new technology; abbreviation; nonce word

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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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