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For citation:
Kosharnaya S.A., Saynenko Yu.V. [Belgorod oikonyms in linguoculturological understanding] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/15FLSK122.pdf (in Russian).
Belgorod oikonyms in linguoculturological understanding
Kosharnaya Svetlana Alekseevna
Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
E-mail: kosharnaja@bsu.edu.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org//0000-0003-4541-3979
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=354860
Saynenko Yulia Valeryevna
Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
E-mail: 702669@bsu.edu.ru
Abstract. The article presents the oikonyms of the Belgorod region, reflecting the genetically heterogeneous linguistic and dialect palette of the region. The linguistic features of the Belgorod region reflect the specifics of the historical and cultural situation of the region, thanks to which reflexes of intercultural and linguistic contacts are preserved in this (border) territory, and a significant layer of lexical archaism is revealed, which is reflected in the field of oikonymic vocabulary. Being markers of the linguoculture of an ethnos, oikonyms at the level of motivating grounds can broadcast data on historical interethnic contacts, fix household features, features of management in a given territory, characterize the ethnic composition of the territory in historical retrospect, absorb information about customs, religious beliefs, significant historical events, property relations, explicate geographical, landscape, etc. «signs» of the area.
Based on this, it seems relevant to analyze not only the structure (word formation) and grammatical design of onyms, but also to carry out a linguoculturological interpretation of the cultural semantics transmitted by them, the internal form that establishes linguistic and historical connections at the level of etymology.
In particular, anthroponymic oikonymic nominations reflect the history of the settlement of the region in modern and modern times, and the hydronymics of the Belgorod region, which serves as the basis for the formation of oikonyms, often reveals traces of the ancient presence of non-Slavic peoples in this territory. At the same time, archaic — mythologized — representations of the Slavs are often reflected in the primordial hydronymic generating bases of oikonyms.
Both national and dialect lexemes act as producing appellatives, and the latter are often the result of interethnic contacts. As for the structural design of oikonyms, according to our observations, the most productive ways of their formation are lexico-semantic, suffixal ways and syntactic addition (binary oikonyms).
Keywords: Belgorod region; linguoculturology; oikonym; anthroponym; hydronym; etymology; word formation
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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