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For citation:
Shlyakov A.V. [Features of nomadism of consumer society (on the example of shopping and downshifting)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/14KLSK319.pdf (in Russian).
Features of nomadism of consumer society (on the example of shopping and downshifting)
Shlyakov Aleksey Vladimirivich
Industrial university of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
E-mail: schafferhund@rambler.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of such socio-cultural phenomenon as nomadism. Nomadism, which previously meant the traditional form of nomadic economy, in the postmodern becomes a global way of life, focused on movement and break with any entrenchment, planetary nomadism. Postmodern nomadism manifests itself in tourism, internautica, digital nomadism, labour migration, vagrancy; common to various forms of nomadism are non-teleological movement, immersion of the House, previously acting as a fixed point of reference, in the route of movement, special, different from the settled Chrono and topo experience. Various nomadic practices are united by: the tendency to fragmentation of interpersonal relations; the rejection of their long-term, the desire to establish a distance between Oneself and the Other, the consideration of the Other not in moral, but in aesthetic optics, which excludes responsibility. In the article nomadism is considered as a phenomenon paradoxically combining and getting rid of everything that can hinder movement, and the use of movement for consumption. Based on the comparative analysis of nomadic practices of postmodern culture, the author tries to solve this paradox. The article examines the sedentary and nomadic relations to property. The special forms of postmodern nomadism – shopping and downshifting are analyzed, which illustrate the oppositional trajectories of this socio-cultural phenomenon. Shopping realizes the need for novelty and is associated with consumption, while downshifting is focused on the rejection of consumerism. It is concluded that in the culture of postmodern consumption is shifted to the sign-symbolic systems, so its implementation does not burden the accumulation of the commodity mass that prevents movement.
Keywords: nomadism; consumption; movement; property; postmodern; culture; shopping; downshifting
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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