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For citation:
Krasnianskaia T.I. [Lexical features in translation of figurative expressions in scientific and technical literature on aviation (based on English and French materials)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/13FLSK222.pdf (in Russian).
Lexical features in translation of figurative expressions in scientific and technical literature on aviation (based on English and French materials)
Krasnianskaia Tat’iana Ivanovna
Perm State National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
E-mail: kti34@rambler.ru
РИНЦ: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=1054340
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to explain the mechanism of lexical transformations that occur when translating figurative expressions in scientific and technical texts into Russian. The concept of the erased metaphor is revealed in relation to scientific and technical texts on aviation. The scientific novelty of the work deals with the approach to investigate lexical transformations in terms of reducing the imagery in the translation language. Analysis of the theoretical base is presented by the author on the base of Russian and foreign researchers works who reveal the essence and classification of metaphors. The features of creating imagery in a scientific and technical text are revealed. The conclusion is made by the author that the use of metaphor in a technical text is justified by the fact that it gives the original lexical unit greater explicitness. The research data on the ways of translating terminological metaphor into Russian are reflected in the paper. The conclusion is made about the main function of the term — nominative. The results showed that most of the metaphors found in scientific and technical texts are associated with physical objects or states. In the technical text, the creation of an image is based on the use of similarities between objects that are far from each other. The most frequent terminological metaphors are formed according to the principle of comparison with parts of the human body. Scientific and technical English and French texts made the empirical basis of the study. As a result of the comparative analysis, a larger metaphoricity of the original text in comparison with the translation text was found. When translating from English and French into Russian, the same character of translation lexical transformations is noted due to the weakening of the metaphorical component.
Keywords: metaphor; scientific and technical text; erased metaphor; figurative expressions; reducing the imagery; lexical transformations; similarity of objects

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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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