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For citation:
Petrov V.B. [Intertextual discourse in the works of Mikhail Bulgakov] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/13FLSK218.pdf (in Russian).
Intertextual discourse in the works of Mikhail Bulgakov
Petrov Vasily Borisovich
Ural state forest engineering university, Yekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: 45master91@mail.ru
Abstract. The article examines the originality of the poetics of Mikhail Bulgakov’s works. The novelty of the approach is associated with the consideration of the phenomenon of intertextuality on the example of the whole creative heritage of the writer, which allows to identify the characteristic features of the artist’s ideostyle and highlight the features of the conceptual sphere of the literary process.
The aim of the study is to study the problem of traditions and innovation in the works of M. Bulgakov, taking into account not only the external (marked and unmarked) similarity of his works with the texts of other authors in the form of quotations, allusions and reminiscences, but also the partextual relationship of the Bulgakov´s text with one of its parts (epigraph, inserted episode, leitmotif), as well as metatextual communication between the texts (the options of the plot, cross-cutting motives).
The results of the study allow us to conclude that the high degree of intertextuality of Bulgakov’s creativity, the inclusion in the artistic fabric of the writer’s works of «another’s word» and «dialogue» with him is due to the author’s desire to rely on the rich moral and aesthetic potential of classical art. Following the literary traditions was not so much a way for Bulgakov to assimilate certain techniques of artistic depiction as a means of familiarizing himself with the moral experience of the Treasury of world culture.
Here originate associative links of his works (citations, allusions, and reminiscences) with the work of N. Gogol and Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. Pushkin and F. Dostoevsky, N. Nekrasov and Tolstoy, A. Griboedov and V. Shakespeare, E. Hoffmann and Goethe, G. wells and M. Servantesa.
Bulgakov’s heritage is an amazing moral and philosophical phenomenon, which is based on the value guidelines of the author, who feels spiritual kinship with his great predecessors.
Keywords: Bulgakov; intertextuality; discourse; tradition; quote; epigraph; motif
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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