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For citation:
Korablina M.V., Kospolova N.E. [Mechanisms of young people adaptation to the conditions of presence at the architectural and landscape, historical and cultural centre “The Tsar’s landing stage” as the example of museum communication] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/12KLSK219.pdf (in Russian).
Mechanisms of young people adaptation to the conditions of presence at the architectural and landscape, historical and cultural centre “The Tsar’s landing stage” as the example of museum communication
Korablina Marina Viktorovna
Industrial university of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
E-mail: marinakorablina@yahoo.com
Kospolova Natalia Emilievna
The Tyumen state institute of culture, Tyumen, Russia
E-mail: koospol@yandex.ru
Abstract. The article discusses the mechanisms of young people adaptation to the presence conditions at the architectural and landscape, historical and cultural centre “The Tsar’s landing stage” (the city of Tyumen). The article draws museum environment specifics of historical and cultural centre “The Tsar’s landing stage”, which possesses not only architectural but memorial uniqueness as well. The official insertion of “The Tsar’s landing stage” into the Federal project “The Imperial Itinerary” makes it possible for this historical and cultural centre to become the pivot of Tyumen coastal area monuments. The article discusses the problems of adaptation difficulties during the tour at the museum of that kind and the ways of their overcoming. The authors believe that the museum space itself “softens” the difficulties due to its architectural dominant, the so-called “place genius”, due to architectural, landscape and memorial peculiarities. The article also notes the problem of developing a unified methodology for mixed (uneven-aged and specialized) groups; in this way there is a need for transforming the excursion into interactive joint activities, for searching the language for communication. This leads to using the innovative methodology of upbringing, training, educating and adaptation to the museum environment as close as possible to the scale of another epoch. An adaptive and communicative approach to museum guided tours is becoming the main one in implementation of museum communication. The authors conclude that the historical and cultural centre “The Tsar’s landing stage” in the Siberian town space helps visitors to promote a dialogue between the past, present and future, to feel their inseparable link to culture. Using all possibilities for detecting spiritual bonds, determination to think about spiritual, the museum contributes to overcoming estrangement between person and culture.
Keywords: museum communication; museum specimen; museum exposition; excursion service; historical and cultural centre “The Tsar’s landing stage”; adaptation; soft skills
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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