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For citation:
Gridina V.V. [Student’s views on marriage and family relations: social aspects (on the example of Samara city)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/11SCSK318.pdf (in Russian).
Student’s views on marriage and family relations: social aspects (on the example of Samara city)
Gridina Vera Valeryevna
Samara state technical university, Samara, Russia
E-mail: samavera@mail.ru
Abstract. The article discusses the current status, the causes of the crisis of the family institution and marriage in Russia, analyses the new trends in marriage and family relationships in young families. The article offers the results of sociological research carried out in Samara state technical University (Samgtu) among senior students, the purpose of which was to identify representations of modern youth about family, its importance, alternative forms of marriage and same-sex relationships.
Based on the results of the study shows the role of the family in which the youth takes an important place in the structure of values. The optimal age of marriage of respondents 20-30 years. The main reasons for divorce they see a practical unpreparedness of young people to create a family, financial difficulties, betrayal, jealousy. Same-sex marriage, the students do not support, but I think that this relationship is a personal matter and should not interfere in them. Of the respondents, the creation of the family must be preceded by education, career and financial base. Young people expect from partner emotional comfort, so their expectations for the future of marriage often do not correspond to the real behaviour of the future spouses. The majority of respondents supported cohabitation without marriage and consider it the norm, equating «civil marriage» to the family. Its advantage is due to the fact that such relations allow to go without responsibility and formalities relative to each other.
Considers the necessity of introduction in educational process of discipline «Fundamentals of family relations», the content of the course and attitude of students. The results of the survey showed the relevance of the course for students. The greatest interest of the respondents was drawn to the topics of socio-psychological unit. Students noted that they prefer practical exercises in an interactive form (discussions, trainings, round tables).
Keywords: young family; values of youth; family law; marriage; demography; divorce; family budget; cohabitation without marriage; gay marriage; alternative forms of marriage; the traditional family; wedding; family conflicts
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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