World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. - go to content...

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DOI: 10.15862/10SCSK319 (

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For citation:

Leskova I.V., Tiapina S.V., Zhuchenko D.D. [Dialogue between doctor and patient: modern realities] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. Available at: (in Russian). DOI: 10.15862/10SCSK319

Dialogue between doctor and patient: modern realities

Leskova Irina Valerʹevna
Russian state social university, Moscow, Russia

Tiapina Svetlana Vasilʹevna
Kursk regional clinical hospital, Kursk, Russia

Zhuchenko Daria Dmitrievna
Volgograd state medical university, Volgograd, Russia

Abstract. The purpose of the scientific article – to clarify the current state of communication dyad «doctor – patient». On the basis of these in-depth interviews with doctors to show the realities occurring in the relationship between the doctor and the patient about the unity and harmony, mutual claims, trust in the choice of treatment, awareness of mutual responsibility. Questions of professional competence of the doctor, social and psychological contact between doctors and patients are raised. The average characteristics of a modern patient and a modern doctor are proposed. The most common social and psychological problems that negatively affect the process of communication between the doctor and the patient are listed. Discussed on the theme of social portrait of the «ideal» patient. The current views on the modern realities of domestic medicine and health care are discussed.

The main errors in the behavior of a typical patient at a doctor’s appointment are indicated. It is established that in the media and literature the issue of compliance with ethical standards, principles and rules of responsible behavior at the doctor’s appointment is not given due attention. It is emphasized that the modern patient should know that in addition to the rights, there are legally prescribed obligations that should be followed. It is emphasized that there is a need to establish the boundaries of patient responsibility and responsibility of health workers. It is specified that in the conditions of change of views on health protection from the principle of administrative and legal positions on civil, medical care began to be called medical service which from the point of view of the civil law is understood as the compensated bilateral transaction granting the parties equal rights, duties and responsibility. It is generalized that the negative attitude to the state medicine is more forced and maintained artificially.

It is summarized that in the relations between doctors and patients, a public request for a new partner model of their interaction has long been formed.

Keywords: patient; dyad «doctor – patient»; «ideal patient»; health care system; professional competence of the doctor; medical practice; medical care

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