World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. - go to content...

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For citation:

Peredelsky A.A. [Socio-pedagogical system of martial arts and martial arts in ancient Chinese ethical and socio-political treatises] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. Available at: (in Russian).

Socio-pedagogical system of martial arts and martial arts in ancient Chinese ethical and socio-political treatises

Peredelsky Alexey Anatolʹevich
Russian state university of physical culture, sports, youth and tourism, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article contains a detailed and systematic analysis of one of the most famous treatises of Ancient China «Lun Yu» («Judgments and conversations») teacher kung Fu-Tzu (Confucius). This treatise reflects the socio-anthropomorphic picture of the universe with the ethical law in the center, which is necessary not only for understanding the deep essence of the Eastern socio-ethical and political mentality. It is emphasized that the doctrine of Confucius makes it possible to make a detailed idea of the ideological basis of the Eastern socio-pedagogical system of martial arts. It is actualized, single combat as a historical phenomenon came from religious and political social traditions, in particular, related to military or military-political activities.

The doctrine of Confucianism serves as the ideological basis for the main types of human activity. Including, for military (martial) arts. It is in relation to martial arts and martial arts that the author of this article interprets the provisions and principles of Confucius’ teaching. It is here, according to the author, we should look for the conceptual basis and technical and tactical keys of the universal system of martial arts, invariant to all modern sports and military applications of martial arts practice.

The whole system analysis is divided into interrelated parts (chapters, sections), each of which contains a group of fragments United by a common idea available for sports interpretation. In this form, «Lun Yu» is not just an ancient source that laid out the foundations of Confucian philosophy, or rather, ethos. It is summarized, the treatise is an ideological credo and the timeless textbook on which all trainers of single combats if they, of course, want to have system pedagogical education and to achieve high results in this field of professional activity have to study.

Keywords: Lun Yu; Confucius; ancient Chinese ethnos; socio-pedagogical system of martial arts; sun Tzu treatise; Confucian philosophy

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