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For citation:
Kulikova O.V. [Emotive pragmatics of the professionally oriented discourse in the mass media (on the basis of the English language)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/09FLSK420.pdf (in Russian).
Emotive pragmatics of the professionally oriented discourse in the mass media (on the basis of the English language)
Kulikova Olga Viktorovna
Moscow state institute of international relations (university), Moscow, Russia
E-mail: ok517@yandex.ru
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=665553
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of emotive pragmatics of the professionally oriented discourse in the mass media. It is pointed out that emotiveness of the professionally oriented discourse has not been studied well enough. The discourse in question is represented by texts of different genres. Despite the fact that some of them a priori do not imply the emotive component, for others the emotive part is their distinctive feature.
Being realized in the media, such texts acquire some of the media characteristics, such as focus on the recipient in order to inform and exert influence on him. The article considers the ways of emotive components actualization in the dichotomy «the addressee – the reader». In the context of information environment digitalization the media content acquires such a feature as polimodality or, using other terminology, policode, which is reflected in creolized texts. The empirical material analysis proved that in the creolized format the verbal part of the professionally oriented media discourse bears the better part of the emotive brunt, its communicative task being influencing the recipient. The other, non-verbal component of the creolized professionally oriented text, plays a supportive role. Combination of the emotive verbal and non-verbal parts gives a synergetic effect which enhances pragmatic influence on the recipient.
Keywords: emotive pragmatics; emotiveness; professionally oriented discourse; the media; addressee factor
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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