World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2021, Vol. 12, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Avdeeva O.I., Tlewtsezheva M.M., Khuazheva Z.G., Naptsok M.R. [Features of the structure and semantics of phraseosemantic fields with the meaning «physical characteristics of a person» in Russian and French] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

Features of the structure and semantics of phraseosemantic fields with the meaning «physical characteristics of a person» in Russian and French

Avdeeva Olga Ivanovna
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia

Tlewtsezheva Mariet Magometovna
Adygea State University, Maykop, Russia

Khuazheva Zamira Gidovna
Adygea State University, Maykop, Russia

Naptsok Marietta Radislavovna
Adygea State University, Maykop, Russia

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of comparing the structure and semantics of Russian and French phraseosemantic fields with the meaning «physical characteristics of a person». The relevance of the topic of this study is explained by the fact that the majority of phraseological units of any language are anthropological phraseological units, an important part of which are units denoting the physical state of a person. In addition, this comparative study of phraseological units provides rich material for the study of both languages and will be useful in the theory and practice of translation. The study of the phraseological corpus of the language through the analysis of phraseosemantic fields and groups seems to be the most productive, since it is quite rightly considered «the most appropriate to the nature of the phraseological material». The comparative Russian and French phraseosemantic fields with the meaning «physical characteristic of a person» revealed both common and distinctive features in terms of structure and semantics. Common features are revealed in the structure of the fields, in the evaluation plan of phraseological units, as well as in the internal form of some of them. The analysis of phraseosemantic fields with the meaning «physical characteristic of a person» in both languages revealed a rather complex but coherent structure of this field, including the following semantic groupings of phraseological units of varying degrees of abstraction: macro-groups, conglomerates (optional), sub-conglomerates (optional), phraseosemantic groups (FSH), subgroups, micro-groups (optional), synonymic blocks, synonymic series. Differences are observed in the quantitative content of some semantic groupings, in some cases, there are no matches in one of the languages, and in most cases there are differences in the internal form of phraseological units. Phraseological units with a national-specific cultural component are of particular interest.

Keywords: phraseological units; phrasemes; phraseosemantic field; comparative phraseology; Russian phraseology; French phraseology; physical characteristics of a person

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