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For citation:
Salistaya G.S., Perinskaya N.A. [To the methodology of the research of premature socialization] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/05SCSK220.pdf (in Russian).
To the methodology of the research of premature socialization
Salistaya Galina Stanislavovna
Moscow university for the humanities, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: galinasol@inbox.ru
Perinskaya Natalia Alekseevna
Moscow university for the humanities, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: nperinskaya@gmail.com
Abstract. The article discusses the methodological foundations of the research of premature socialization of Russian adolescents. Premature socialization is shown as a result of deviating socialization associated with the development of social roles that are not characteristic of adolescence and the fulfillment of social functions, which are usually a social problem for the individual in connection with his psychological and social immaturity. The forced nature of premature socialization is indicated, which allows us to interpret it as a variant of the kind of socialization non-norm.
In considering the main theoretical approaches to the study of personality socialization and the methodological foundations of the study of premature socialization, the authors rely on the theoretical concepts of the concepts of the socialization norm and the socialization trajectory, as well as methodological approaches to the study of such deviations in socialization as premature socialization associated with the development and fulfillment of social roles by adolescents that are beyond their age limits and prescribed social and cultural norms of their socialization.
The content of the concept of the socialization norm as a construct is revealed, which makes it possible to measure the ratio of norm and deviation in the effectiveness of personality socialization. The productivity of highlighting the socialization norm in the study of children’s and adolescent age groups is determined. Premature socialization is identified as a kind of socialization non-norm. The possibility of a trajectory model of socialization as an individualized integral indicator, with the help of which an individual experience of social interaction of a person is constructed, is discussed, to demonstrate in a graphical form the varieties of socialization by the criterion of its effectiveness.
On the basis of statistical data, the manifestations of premature socialization were analyzed by the nature of the development by Russian adolescents of “adult” social roles that are not characteristic of their age, which include: the role of the employee in the context of “child labor”; the role of street and street children; roles of husband and wife; sexual roles; roles of parents. The authors of the article are not limited to considering the premature socialization of Russian adolescents as deviations. The article analyzes the manifestations of such socialization approved in society. The necessity of clarifying the interpretation of the concept of premature socialization of Russian adolescents is substantiated.
Keywords: socialization; socialization norm; premature socialization; socialization trajectory; Russian adolescents; social role

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