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For citation:
Болдырева С.М. [The vernacular vocabulary as a means of rendering the artistic language picture of the world of the author (on the examples of the novels of Maria Semenova)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/05FLSK219.pdf (in Russian).
The vernacular vocabulary as a means of rendering the artistic language picture of the world of the author (on the examples of the novels of Maria Semenova)
Boldyreva Sofiya Mikhailovna
Belgorod state national research university, Belgorod, Russia
Lyceum №9 of Belgorod, Belgorod, Russia
E-mail: sofkasov@yandex.ru
Abstract. This article is devoted to the analysis of vernaculars that function in the works of “The one I always wait for…” and “Wolfhound” by M. Semenova. Analysis of the collected linguistic material of the novel suggests that these linguistic units also represent the linguistic picture of the author’s world, playing the role of a style-forming factor. Maria Semenova, creating her novels in a completely new subgenre called “Slavic fantasy”, actively uses folk-poetry and pseudo-Volk vocabulary in the process of speech-making, which allows the reader to experience the richness of Russian national language.
The vernaculars, which are not always relevant in writing, are organically woven into the narrative of her works, introducing us as heroes of the wisdom of the people.
The novels of M. Semenova show the life of people in their constant communication with each other, with nature, etc. It is for this reason that the texts contain many dialogues, monologues, that is, the author assigns a significant place to conversational elements. And this is reflected in the choice of lexical tools. During the whole period of the study of texts in the preparation of the thesis and this article, we have counted more than 500 colloquial, colloquial and extra-dialect words, expressions, which function in the writer’s works.
In terms of its functional role, in relation to literary language, vernacular is a distinctive speech sphere, which takes place within each national language. Functionally opposed to the literary language, popular speech, like the literary language, is communicatively significant for all speakers of the national language. Being a universal category for national languages, vernacular in each of them has specific features and its own special relationship with the literary language. In common parlance, the units of all language levels are represented; against the background of a literary language, it is revealed in the fields of stress, pronunciation, morphology, vocabulary, phraseology, and word usage.
Keywords: people’s poetic vocabulary; language picture of the world; pseudo-folklore vocabulary; folklore; stylization; folk-poetic vocabulary; M. Semenova; slavyan’s fentezi; impersonations; idiostyle; dialect; vernacular; obsolete words
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