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For citation:
Kretova A.M. [Interpretation of silence microsituations. Limological approach] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/03FLSK219.pdf (in Russian).
Interpretation of silence microsituations. Limological approach
Kretova Anna Mikhaylovna
Moscow state regional university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: a.m.kretova@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the study of the microsituation of silence from the point of view of the limological approach. The publication is caused by the need to systematize theoretical knowledge about the phenomenon of silence as a component of communication. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the realization of the category of discontinuity towards silence. The author analyzed 725 dialogues containing markers of discontinuity. The analysis showed that silence is more often interrupted in communication (60 % of the fragments). This is explained by the fact that prolonged silence often causes anxiety and discomfort, therefore, communicants try to break it. Silence in a communicative situation is interrupted by speaking, and speaking can be interrupted by silence, pauses, speaking or any sounds (knock, music, etc.). The communication of the characters can also be interrupted by the author’s speech that is typical for literary prose. The term of “microsituation” is defined from the point of view of communicative linguistics. The lexemes denoting the discontinuity of silence and speaking are represented. The examples from prose are contained in the article.
Keywords: limology; communication; discontinuity; speaking; silent act; microsituation of silence; communicative act

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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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