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For citation:
Ermohina Yu.V., Nabilkina L.N. [Imagology and dialogue of cultures in the media space] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2024, Vol. 15, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/02KLSK324.pdf (in Russian).
Imagology and dialogue of cultures in the media space
Ermohina Yuliya Vyacheslavovna
Ivanovo State University, Shuya, Russia
E-mail: uly-erm@yandex.ru
Nabilkina Larisa Nikolaevna
National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas, Russia
E-mail: nabilkina@yandex.ru
Abstract. This article explores the problem of cultural dialogue and its representation in the media space. Based on the fact that there are different nations that are well distinguishable from each other by their own national character, behavioral attitudes, worldview and culture, imagological studies are becoming increasingly relevant in the process of which the national identity of a particular culture in relation to others is studied — the images of «another» and «own». That is why the article is devoted to the topic of the formation of imagology as a science, the purpose of which is to create objective images. Like any science, imagology has its own tasks, among which are the identification of true and false ideas about the life of other people, their character, typology of behavior stereotypes, social role, aesthetic function. The article also examines various areas of imagology. In addition, the author reveals the categories of imagology, among which she distinguishes «image», «mental images». The terms «image» and its different meanings are characterized. Attention is paid to the problem of stereotypes associated with the distortion of the vision of foreign language culture. The concept of the dialogue of cultures through media space (advertising) is considered in more detail, through which any objective or biased images of representatives of «another» countries are effectively formulated, perpetuated and disseminated. Thus, advertising seeks to be able to change the desires of consumers, as well as their inclinations and behavior. It helps to determine what the image of «another» will be or how it will be perceived by society emotionally or psychologically. In conclusion, it is emphasized that imagology plays an unsurpassed role in the knowledge of mankind. It is necessary to try to find a reasonable balance between «own» and «another» so that no culture is fundamentally privileged compared to others.
Keywords: imagology; image; mental image; stereotype; dialogue of cultures; media space; advertising

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