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For citation:
Volodina D.G. [Roll value orientations of the Russian youth in the conditions of globalization] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/02SCSK118.pdf (in Russian).
Roll value orientations of the Russian youth in the conditions of globalization
Volodina Dar’ja Georgievna
Russian state social university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: volodina.dasha96@yandex.ru
Abstract. The article considers the state of the value system of modern Russian youth in the difficult conditions of breaking traditional foundations of society and the formation of new social relations in the context of globalization. The current opportunities that the personality uses in its development and self-improvement do not always positively influence its values, and often lead to the loss of «human in man». The result of this situation was the disorientation of modern youth: a significant part of the younger generation is distorted or completely lacking basic ideas about the values that constitute the core of the morality of the individual. This is, including the result of the process of globalization affecting our country. The article outlines the impact of globalization on the formation of the worldview of Russian youth. As a result of the research, the most significant and, on the contrary, insignificant values for modern youth in various spheres of the life activity of society were revealed.
Keywords: youth; values; a roll of values; globalization; modernity; morality
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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