World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Mushaev V.N., Lidzhiev M.A., Shyryngova B.A., Mukabenova Zh.A. [Linguoculturological aspect of the lexemes «white-black» (based on the material of the Kalmyk language)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Linguoculturological aspect of the lexemes «white-black» (based on the material of the Kalmyk language)

Mushaev Vladimir Naranovich
Kalmyk state university, Elista, Russia

Lidzhiev Mingiyan Alekseevich
Kalmyk state university, Elista, Russia

Shyryngova Bolkha Aleekseevna
Kalmyk state university, Elista, Russia

Mukabenova Zhanna Alekseevna
Kalmyk state university, Elista, Russia

Abstract. Introduction. The symbols and meanings of color with its evaluative and ideological component have always been and are the object of attention of researchers. In this regard, two colors – white and black, visually and in meaning are traditionally perceived as antonyms. But at the same time, when we consider this pair in combination with the use of modern methods, approaches and interpretations, the picture appears in full, allowing us to make generalizations of a typological nature.

It is believed that in the worldview of the Mongols, including Kalmyks, depending on the traditional nomadic economic experience, a fairly stable view of the nomination system is formed, which changes depending on the visual and functional characteristics of the object. Toponyms and hydronyms are among the most conservative and stable layers of this vocabulary.

Methods. This article examines the Kalmyk toponyms and hydronyms used today based on the results of recent expeditions and lexicographic works. Geographic names related to the names of burial mounds, natural boundaries, estuaries and water bodies associated with the designation of white and black colors are investigated. As a comparison, there are brighter equivalents with similar semantics used in small genres of folklore (proverbs and sayings) and in phraseological units.

Results: The studied material can be used in comparative-historical, typological and areal studies in private and general linguistics. The work uses etymological, semantic and complex – linguoculturological research methods. We proceed from the fact that the ethnic perception of Kalmyks in onyms is based on visual-evaluative memory and is used for the orientation system in traditional economic activity.

Discussion: The material under consideration allows us to assert that the classical white-black dichotomy represents a rather harmonious and systemic category of the Kalmyks’ worldview, but besides the traditional opposition of these color symbols in the onomastic space we are considering, it has a range of semantic meanings from neutral-spatial to sacred-taboo.

Final report: The study of this aspect of onomastics allows you to turn to typological research on the material of other Mongolian, Turkic, Indo-European languages of specific regions.

Keywords: the Кalmyk language; semantics; place names; hydronyms; habitat; etymology; onyms; nomination; symbolism; linguistic Culturology

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