World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Polyakova E.N. [The structure characterization of the microfield “non-traditional sexual relations” in Soviet journalism of the 1920s] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

The structure characterization of the microfield “non-traditional sexual relations” in Soviet journalism of the 1920s

Polyakova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara, Russia

Abstract. This article is part of our study of the system of nomination of sexuality presented in the Soviet journalism of the 1920s. In general, the notation of sexual relations is a functional-semantic field. An integral part of this field is the microfield «non-traditional sexual relations» (NSR), for the sake of simplicity we will call this the microfield an field of «non-traditional sexual relations». In this study, attention is focused on the characteristics of the structural elements of the «non-traditional sexual relations» field in the journalism of the 1920s: the core, near and far periphery. A field of «non-traditional sexual relations» nominations presented in the Soviet journalism of the 1920s has not yet become the object of linguistic analysis. This is the novelty of the chosen study. A study is characterized by an extensive language material in the amount of 207 units and the use of pre-revolutionary lexicographic sources.

The main directions of research on the topic of «homosexuality» in English and Russian studies from the standpoint of linguistics is briefly describes in a article. The range of these studies is wide, one of the promising areas is a study of «non-traditional sexual relations» in the context of taboo vocabulary. The nominative composition of this topic is under a strong language ban on pronouncing. In connection with this fact, the core of the field includes nominations, which by the beginning of the 1920s from euphemistic and figurative passed into the category of direct. The composition of the near periphery is characterized by a higher frequency (70.5 % of the language material) compared to the elements of the structure of «non-traditional sexual relations». This fact is due to the high degree of prohibition on the use of direct nominations and existing in the early XX century speech standard in journalism. A nominations of the specified structural element of the field implement a euphemistic function, indirectly denoting the word-ban. A nominations of the specified structural element of the field implement a euphemistic function, indirectly denoting the word-ban. A near periphery of the field of «non-traditional sexual relations» is represented by a wide range of language means: polysemants, hyperonyms, logical and figurative periphrases, foreign-language direct nominations, which did not lose the novelty of use at that time. The brief classification of logical peripherals used as part of this constituent field in the journalism of the 1920s, on a semantic basis is presents in a article. Figurative periphrases with the sema «disease» as part of the far periphery of the field «non-traditional sexual relations» prevail in the journalism of the 1920s, realizing the negative evaluation component. The individual occasional designations of «non-traditional sexual relations» are examples of class-marked vocabulary and are used in the context of the ideological tasks of the new country in the journalism of the 1920s.

Keywords: functional-semantic field; core; near periphery; far periphery; euphemism; taboo vocabulary; homosexuality; class-marked vocabulary; new life; sexual nominations; sexual euphemisms

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