World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Mikhalchenkova N.A., Bolshakov S.N., Bolshakova Ju.M. [Sociological assessments of the artistic and aesthetic methods of training and education in special educational institutions of Russia] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

Sociological assessments of the artistic and aesthetic methods of training and education in special educational institutions of Russia

Mikhalchenkova Natalya Alekseevna
Syktyvkar state university named after P.A. Sorokin, Syktyvkar, Russia
Institute of art education and cultural studies of the Russian academy of education

Bolshakov Sergey Nikolaevich
Leningrad state university named after A. Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Institute of art education and cultural studies of the Russian academy of education
Researcher ID:

Bolshakova Julia Mikhailovna
Leningrad state university named after A. Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Research institute of political psychology and applied political studies
Institute of art education and cultural studies of the Russian academy of education

Abstract. The article analyzes existing foreign practices of correcting the deviate behavior of adolescents and youth by means of art education and cultural studies. The article analyzes foreign practices of social work with youth, examines the practice of cultural and educational work, social behavior. The article analyzes the construction of the concept of creative youth development (CYD) of the USA, where hundreds of programs of art education and upbringing are implemented. The article also analyzes the principles of the implementation of the concept of creative youth development (CYD) of the United States. The practical part of the article also presents the results of research on the practice of art education and cultural studies in special educational institutions of Russia. The results of the study allow us to talk not only about the relevance of using the techniques of art education, but also the need to build individual education paths for correcting deviant behavior. The study allows us to conclude that the methods of art education are auxiliary teaching methods, respondents are rated quite high in terms of their effectiveness, respondents identify the following effective methods and techniques of physical education and sports, music therapy, iso-therapy, museums, exhibitions.

Keywords: art education; sociology of education; creative development; deviant behavior

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