2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. - go to content...
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For citation:
Rumyantseva L.I. [Spatial poetics of Russian literature about Yakutia] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/42FLSK420.pdf (in Russian).
Spatial poetics of Russian literature about Yakutia
Rumyantseva Lena Innokentevna
M.K. Ammosov north-eastern federal university, Yakutsk, Russia
E-mail: rumlena162@mail.ru
РИНЦ: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=918920
Abstract. This article reveals the features of the embodiment of the spatial paradigm of Yakutia in significant texts of Russian and Yakut literature, taking into account the modern interdisciplinary approach to the study of the space-time continuum of the work. The study of the features of spatial poetics of the text required an appeal to fundamental works on spacial poetics by M.M. Bakhtin, Yu.M. Lotman, V.N. Toporov, B.A. Uspensky, the latest interdisciplinary concepts of the cultural landscape and semantics of the geoscience Yu.A. Vedenin, V.L. Kagansky, V.N. Kalutskova On the material of the works of K. Ryleev, I. Goncharov, spatial models are described that determine the features of the spatial picture of Yakutia in Russian literature. The author presents an analysis of the structure of the geoparticles of Yakutsk, their properties are determined. It was established that the romantic context of Ryleev’s poem «Voinarovsky», thanks to the introduction of different types of characters, combines the features of forced travel-exile and travel-expedition, forming, on the one hand, the situation of topophobia and topophilia – on the other hand. The essays of I.A. Goncharov recreate a realistic picture of the life and morals of Yakutsk of the XIX century. The leitmotifs «cold», «savagery» «gloomy» inherent in the perception of the hero Ryleev in the essays, are replaced by the motifs «good-natured», «health», «energy» inherent in «natural Syrians» and Yakuts. In the literature of the twentieth century, the northeast of Yakutia acts as the embodiment of power and natural wealth and as a place of exile, hard labor. Creative reflection in the artistic and autobiographical works of V. Shalamov, A. Zhigulin and other writers who passed through the GULAG is due to the need to overcome personal negative experience, in this regard, the motives of suffering and craving for life, death and resurrection prevail in poems and prose.
Keywords: spacial poetics; spatial model; geoimage; topophilia; topophobia; Yakutia; Russian literature
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