World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. - go to content...

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Sivtseva N.A. [Text-forming possibilities of the verbs of being baar ‛to be, to exist’, raw ‛to live, to be, to be, to be somewhere’ in the initial formulas of Yakut fairy tales] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Text-forming possibilities of the verbs of being baar ‛to be, to exist’, raw ‛to live, to be, to be, to be somewhere’ in the initial formulas of Yakut fairy tales

Sivtseva Nataliya Aleksandrovna
North of Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences, Yakutsk, Russia
Institute for humanities research and indigenous studies

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the text-forming possibilities of the verbs of being to baar ‛to be, to exist’, to raw ‛to live, to be, to be anywhere’ in the initial formulas of Yakut fairy tales. The verbs of being in exactly the initial formulas of Yakut fairy tales are represented one of the linguistic features characterizing genre specificity. The relevance of the theme of the research are determined by insufficient study of the verbs of being in the Yakut. For the first time the verbs of being baar ‛to be, to exist’, to raw ‛to live, to be, to be anywhere’ are subjected to special study in the structure of the complex initial formula of a Yakut fairy tale. The purpose of the article is to consider the text-forming function of the verbs of being baar ‛to be, to exist’, to raw ‛to live, to be, to be anywhere’ consisting in the structure of the complex initial formula of a Yakut fairy tales. The examples of the indicated verbs of being in the structure of the complex initial formula of a Yakut fairy tale with their translation into Russian are given. Models of predicates with verbs of being baar ‛to be, to exist’, to raw ‛to live, to be, to be anywhere’ consisting in the structure of complex initial formulas are revealed. The main methods are the method of continuous sampling with elements of statistical analysis, the method of studying dictionary definitions, the descriptive method with the observation technique. The material of the study is the texts in the collection «Yakut fairy tales» by C.U. Ergis known as the first major edition of the Yakut fairy tales. It is established that the complex initial formula of a Yakut fairy tale consisting of several syntactic constructions by the structural composition and the semantic content can conformed to a complex syntactic whole as a text unit.

Keywords: text; category; complex syntactic whole; initial formula; being; verb; vocabulary; syntax; Yakut

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