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For citation:
Kallaeva J.A., Kuznetzov I.A. [Linguoaxiological analysis of color vocabulary in D.H. Lawrence’s novel «Rainbow»] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/36FLSK223.pdf (in Russian).
Linguoaxiological analysis of color vocabulary in D.H. Lawrence’s novel «Rainbow»
Kallaeva Janetta Alievna
Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: dec3@mail.ru
Kuznetzov Igor Aleksandrovich
Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: igorkuznetz@gmail.com
Abstract. This article examines axiological aspects of the use of color in D.G. Lawrence’s novel «Rainbow». The relevance of the research is due to the growing interest of scientists in studying the role of color words in the linguistic picture of the world. Color vocabulary plays a special role in the discourse of the modernist writer and artist D.H. Lawrence. The plots that Lawrence describes are largely based on his personal life experience. The phenomena, experiences, events described by the author in the novel have color characteristics. Color is linked with the emotional and mental state of the characters.
The study showed that there are both universal and specific individual features in Lawrence’s chromatic worldview. The world of color is represented in the novel by a wide range of lexical and semantic units. In the course of the study, 54 colour terms were identified. They are used with symbolic and descriptive functions. One of the most significant artistic means of creating a color image in the novel is the color metaphor. In metaphor, color takes on a symbolic meaning.
In Lawrence’s novel, one can observe different types of love, its manifestations: men and women, parents and children, love for home, for the church. And to depict each spectrum of these emotions, the author uses one or another color word. The use of black and dark colors is inextricably linked with the depressed emotional state of the characters, Lawrence’s extremely negative attitude to industrial progress. Bright colors symbolize the unity of man with nature, the beginning of a new period of life.
The study of the elements of the color picture of the world is one of the important ways to study the author’s style and worldview.
Keywords: color vocabulary; evaluation; individual style; axiological analysis; picture of the world; artistic discourse; color metaphor; color symbolism
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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