World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. - go to content...

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Valieva M.Z., Minnullin K.M., Zakirova I.G. [Features of the functioning of the ethnocultural vocabulary of the Tatar language] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

Features of the functioning of the ethnocultural vocabulary of the Tatar language

Valieva Mileusha Zakievna
G. Ibragimov institute of language, literature and art Tatarstan academy of sciences, Kazan, Russia

Minnullin Kim Mugallimovich
G. Ibragimov institute of language, literature and art Tatarstan academy of sciences, Kazan, Russia

Zakirova Ilsiyar Gamilovna
G. Ibragimov institute of language, literature and art Tatarstan academy of sciences, Kazan, Russia

Abstract. In an article based on written sources of the 17th–18th centuries. ethnocultural vocabulary is considered. The relevance of our research is due to the fact that the semantic, stylistic and functional features of ethnocultural vocabulary in written sources of the 17th–18th centuries. little researched. Also, the study of ethnocultural vocabulary helps to solve a global problem – the reconstruction of the spiritual culture of our people. The main purpose of this study is to study and analyze the specifics of ethnocultural vocabulary in the written sources of the Tatar language of the 17th–18 th centuries. The scientific novelty of the work is expressed in the fact that for the first time a description of ethnocultural vocabulary is made in written sources of the 17th–18th centuries. In the process of work, such methods as descriptive method, continuous sampling method, analysis and synthesis, classification were used. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the following written sources: Muslimi «Tavarihe Bulgaria», «Deftare Chingizname», «Madzhmugyl el-hikayat», poems by M. Kulya. During the study, the following results were obtained. On the basis of factual material, the authors present an analysis of the semantics and features of the functioning of lexical units of national and cultural affiliation in the written sources of the Tatar language. The authors distinguish three thematic groups of ethnocultural vocabulary, which most clearly reflect the culture of the Tatar people, the peculiarities of its traditions and customs. It was also revealed that the ethnocultural vocabulary, which is expressed in these written sources, reflects the real world of our ancestors, the real conditions of his life, the social consciousness of the people, mentality, national character, lifestyle, value system. Thus, considering the vocabulary of wedding rituals, the vocabulary of the thematic group of food and clothing, the authors came to the conclusion that having studied the ethnocultural vocabulary of the Tatar language, it is possible to describe the lexical system of the language in diachrony, to notice the processes in the modern state of the language, caused by changes in social and cultural life. The results of the study of the ethnolinguistic vocabulary of written monuments can be taken into account when creating a generalizing work on the historical lexicology of the Tatar language.

Keywords: Tatar language; ethno-cultural vocabulary; written source; wedding vocabulary

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