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For citation:
Krasnikovskii V.Ya. [The role of consumer behavior as an element of the mechanism of social stratification] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/30SCSK319.pdf (in Russian).
The role of consumer behavior as an element of the mechanism of social stratification
Krasnikovskii Vladimir Yaroslavovish
Bauman Moscow state technical university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: krvl2007@yandex.ru
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to present theoretical justifications for the possibility of considering consumer behavior as an element of the mechanism of social stratification associated with the personal factor of this process. It is emphasized that consumer behavior makes a significant contribution to the material and spiritual spheres of the life of society, in connection with which it can be evaluated not only from structural, but also from moral, value-filled positions. The scientific article discusses the possibility of considering the patterns of manifestation of consumer behavior strategies of citizens as an indicator of their stratification ambitiousness, as well as the legitimacy of interpreting consumer behavior as an element of the mechanism of social stratification of society. A number of theoretical calculations are presented that justify the possibility of such an interpretation of consumer behavior. A brief review of the materials of various studies of the types of consumers and consumer groups in which they are classified in terms of income distribution strategies, in accordance with their characteristic value regulators of consumer behavior and household characteristics, manifested in the daily practice of their life, is presented. The description of V.I. Ilyin behavioral types of consumers – innovators, followers, conservatives. The revealed effect of the transition of consumers as representatives of a certain type from a strategy to a strategy of behavior is investigated empirically and then theoretically explained. We study the types of consumers in accordance with the chosen strategy of consumer behavior. The data of an empirical study aimed at studying a number of phenomena associated with consumer behavior are analyzed. The author’s understanding of such concepts as “life strategy”, “strategy of consumer behavior”, “stratification human ambitiousness” is specified.
Keywords: types of consumers; behavioral strategies; consumer behavior; social stratification; stratification ambitiousness
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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