World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2023, Vol. 14, No. 1. - go to content...

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Mikheeva S.L. [Adjective in the functional-and-semantic field of conditionality: about semantics of causality] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 1. Available at: (in Russian).

Adjective in the functional-and-semantic field of conditionality: about semantics of causality

Mikheeva Svetlana Lvovna
I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary, Russia

Abstract. The article examines the conditions of the functioning of the adjective as one of the means of expressing cause-effect relations in the utterance and the text on the material of the Russian language. The relevance of the study is determined by its entry into the problems of functional grammar. In particular, the issues of interaction of lexical and grammatical semantics in the transmission of causal semantic relations are considered. Fragments from literary texts served as the material for the study. The methods of semantic and component analysis are used in the work. The functional-and-semantic field of conditionality in the Russian language is one of the fields with a predicative-circumstantial core. Among the many non-specialized means of expressing causality, the adjective deserves special attention. The grammatical nature of the adjective — the absolute semantic and formal subordination to the noun — assigns it a secondary role in the traditional system of parts of speech. At the same time, the adjective reveals a special property on closer examination. It turns out to be the carrier of the meaning of causality. This value, according to the degree of semantic significance, turns out to be dominant, since a feature (a quality or attribute of an object) — determines the way of behavior of this object, that is, it reveals itself as a cause. The meaning of causal conditionality is closely related to evaluativeness, therefore, the causal component is most fully realized in adjectives with qualitative-evaluative semantics. Based on the analysis of the language material from the point of view of expressing the semantics of causality, specialized syntactic constructions are identified, in which adjectives most fully realize the named property.

Keywords: semantics; functional grammar; adjective; functional-and-semantic field; causal semantic relations; evaluation; adjectival predicate

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