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For citation:
Денисова А.В. [Methodological aspects of studying language personality influenced by ethnocultural environment] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/27FLSK319.pdf (in Russian).
Methodological aspects of studying language personality influenced by ethnocultural environment
Denisova Anastasia Valeryevna
South federal university, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Institute of philology, journalism and intercultural communication
E-mail: adenisova84@gmail.com
Abstract. The study is devoted to one of the most relevant topics of modern sociolinguistic knowledge-the phenomenon of linguistic personality, which is considered by the author in the aspect of influence on its formation and speech communicative practices of ethno-cultural environment. The purpose of the scientific article is to identify the methodological foundations of sociolinguistic analysis of the influence of the ethno-cultural environment on the formation of a linguistic personality. The main components and communicative competences, ethnic features of the thesaurus of the linguistic personality are studied. It is emphasized that the ethnic features of the thesaurus are closely related to the ethno-cultural characteristics of communicative behavior. Sociolinguistic research of linguistic personality is carried out on three separate structural levels: verbal-semantic, linguocognitive and pragmatic. The communicative competence of the linguistic personality assumes not only language knowledge and fluency as a means of communication, but also the formed ability to use language means of communication in accordance with ethno-cultural norms and rules of communicative behavior.
The author substantiates the need to take into account when developing a methodological approach to the study of this topic the interdependence and mutual influence of the structural levels of the linguistic personality, which allows us to consider the ethno-cultural specificity of speech communication in close connection with the formation of cognitive parameters of mentality during the process of socialization in the ethno-cultural environment. The article emphasizes that the study of the influence of the ethno-cultural environment of socialization on the communicative practices of the linguistic personality makes it possible to study the role of unconscious components of ethno-cultural mentality in the dynamics of interethnic interaction. Summarized, the main methodological position to study the impact of ethno-cultural environment on the formation of linguistic personality should be to study the effect of the mutual conditionality of all its structural levels in unity.
Keywords: linguistic personality; cultural determinants; ethnocultural characteristics of linguistic personality; verbal communication; semantics; pragmatics; communicative behaviour
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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