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For citation:
Gladkova I.V., Polyanok O.V. [To the question of the determinants of moral mutation in modern Russian society] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/25SCSK221.pdf (in Russian).
To the question of the determinants of moral mutation in modern Russian society
Gladkova Irina Vitalievna
Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: gladkova21@yandex.ru
Polyanok Olga Vasilievna
Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
E-mail: polyanok@mail.ru
Abstract. The work is devoted to identifying the causes that cause the mutation of morality in crisis and transition periods of society. The change of cultural epochs is always accompanied by a revision of the value bases, an important feature of which is the rapid transformation of moral attitudes. At the turn of the XIX–XX centuries, Russian society found itself in a borderline state of moral uncertainty, the way out of which is possible thanks to an understanding of the reasons that cause the mutation of morality in this period. Based on the analysis of modern research in the field of the moral foundations of consumer society, mass culture, the following factors have been identified that determine the mutation of morality: consumerism as the values of consumption; fierce social rivalry that generates the loss of the ability to preserve and transmit moral norms, the erasure of moral boundaries; mobility as the desire to consume from the outside, the ever-increasing need for the possession of more; carnivalization of consciousness — the substitution of spiritual values with anti-values through the propaganda of vice as a social norm; the cult of the body as an increased orientation to external attractiveness, glamour, occultism as a way of removing responsibility, and the desire to satisfy the need for stability and security, the transformation of gender representations — the lack of a single normative model fully shared by society, the search for new gender values and practical opportunities, accompanied by the appearance of various deviations and «mutations»; virtual worlds that create the illusion of several lives, opportunities to correct and replay, decreasing responsibility for actions caused by loss of a sense of reality; violation of intergenerational ties. The authors draw the following conclusions: the stimulation of consumer consciousness forms a passive person who uncritically perceives the world and a low level of moral reflection, in our opinion, is one of the most important reasons for moral mutation in modern society.
Keywords: moral grounds; moral principles; cultural values; cultural selection; socio-cultural mutation; cultural identification
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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