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For citation:
Chizhova E.A., Sokolova A.G. [Visual culture of cemeteries in the context of strengthening traditional Russian values] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2024, Vol. 15, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/24SCSK124.pdf (in Russian).
Visual culture of cemeteries in the context of strengthening traditional Russian values
Chizhova Elena Aleksandrovna
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
E-mail: chigovaea@yandex.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0350-7352
Sokolova Aleksandra Grigorevna
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
E-mail: sokolova_aleksan@list.ru
Abstract. The authors present the results of an interdisciplinary study that reveals the cause-and-effect relationship between the visual culture of cemeteries and the education of young people in the context of traditional Russian values.
In the course of the study the territory of the cemetery was considered as a public space, which in addition to functionality is subject to the requirements of a comfortable urban environment. It is emphasized that cemeteries as public spaces are key places of social and cultural interaction. In connection with the intensification of visual technologies in everyday life, visual social information was analyzed as the main tool of communication.
The authors understand visual social information as all properties of matter created by or with the help of man, perceived with the help of vision. As a proof of this statement, the logical chain of concepts is described: information — social information — visual social information; the functions of visual social information are listed. In this regard, visual culture is defined as a life space that includes various means of visual communication, visual literacy, visual perception and visual thinking.
Four main categories of sociological research are defined: social aspects of cemetery culture, moral and ethical aspects of cemetery culture from the position of formation of traditional values; social visual information as a property of material objects on the territory of the cemetery; cognitive and orientation function of social visual information on the territory of the cemetery.
Social aspects of cemetery culture consist in the practice of visiting burial places and in social relations within the family, orienting a person to adopt the practice of visiting the graves of near and dear people and the traditions associated with them. Moral and ethical aspects of cemetery culture are contained in the motivation for visiting cemeteries. Social visual information as a property of material objects on the territory of the cemetery is analyzed on the example of the design of cemeteries in general and monuments in particular. The cognitive-orienting function of social visual information on the territory of the cemetery is considered on the example of the attitude to the growth of publicity of the deceased with the help of modern means of communication. The sociological research was conducted by the method of semi-formalized among the students of 3–4 courses of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev.
The result of the study was the confirmation of the hypothesis that young people of student age have a tradition to visit the graves of deceased relatives and take care of them, but this practice is opposed by the reluctance to be present in the unimproved territory of cemeteries, because the social visual information of these areas contradicts the traditional Russian values (decent treatment of a person, recognition of the feats of war heroes and maintenance of historical memory necessary for the continuity of generations).
Keywords: cemetery; public space; visual social information; visual culture; traditional values; cognitive and orientation function
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