World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2024, Vol. 15, No. 1. - go to content...

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For citation:

Barinova B.V. [Weather state lexemes in Mongolian languages: lexico-semantic characteristics] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2024, Vol. 15, No. 1. Available at: (in Russian).

Weather state lexemes in Mongolian languages: lexico-semantic characteristics

Barinova Bairta Valer’evna
Kalmyk State University, Elista, Russia

Abstract. The article analyzes meteonyms in Mongolian languages, characterizing the general state of the weather. Linguistic means of expressing the state of weather in the worldview of the Mongolian peoples can be presented as integral and consistent natural phenomena that are systematically used by traditional speakers in direct, figurative, comparative-evaluative and metaphorical meanings. The lexico-grammatical and linguocultural field of this category is considered in three natural phases: clear — stable, cloudy — with natural influences and post-cloudy — return to stable. The most stable lexemes in each phase are the following lexemes and expressions: chilgr өdr «clear weather», narta өdr «sunny weather», burkg өdr «cloudy weather», borata өdr «inclement weather».

As examples, the author uses Mongolian lexicographical sources, texts of artistic and folklore works, in which from meteorological vocabulary lexemes denoting clear weather, sunny weather, cloudy weather, and stormy weather were analyzed.

Meteorological vocabulary, characterizing the general state of the weather, is considered in the article from the point of view of their composition, semantics, morphological-syntactic and lexical-semantic method of formation.

The peculiarity of artistic and folklore texts makes it possible to consider a specific lexeme in its various combinabilities, which makes it possible to most fully reveal the features of the semantic structure of the word. In this aspect, meteonyms characterizing the general state of weather in the Kalmyk language are considered and systematized for the first time.

The use of meteorological vocabulary characterizing the general state of the weather in artistic and folklore texts is dictated by their cultural and linguistic significance in reflecting ethnic ideas about the world around them.

Keywords: meteorology; meteonyms; vocabulary; weather; clear weather; sunny weather; inclement weather; cloudy weather

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