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For citation:
Masyagina V.D. [Borrowing foreign words: the impact on the culture of Russian speech] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/20SCSK119.pdf (in Russian).
Borrowing foreign words: the impact on the culture of Russian speech
Masyagina Victoria Dmitrievna
Russian state social university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: VikaM.97@mail.ru
Abstract. The article considers the borrowing of foreign words in Russian as a complex process, which is part of the interaction of different cultures. The language picture of the world is one of the forms of perception of the surrounding world, it shows how the national culture is realized. The language reflects national identity and is most pronounced in lively speech. Each person becomes a full-fledged person and carrier of nationality in the course of upbringing, instilling values, traditions and norms of behavior. Of course, this happens through the use of language as a means of communication, interaction and learning. But every day more often in the speech of people borrowed words are used. The problem is not only that foreign words appear uncontrollably in our language, but also in the way they are understood, interpreted and in what sense people use. The article analyzes various sociological data, the purpose of the research of which was to find out the attitude of people to borrowing foreign words in Russian, as well as awareness of the meaning of these words. Analysis of the above-mentioned material shows that the main carrier of foreign words in speech is the youth, who do not always have the correct idea of the meaning of a word. Representatives of the older generation are annoyed by this phenomenon, and they believe that the appearance of foreign words in Russian speech only litters the language. Also, regarding the introduction of fines for the use of foreign words that have an analogue in the Russian language, the youth reacted negatively, while the older generation reacted positively.
Keywords: foreign words; borrowed words; language environment; culture of speech; borrowed vocabulary
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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