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For citation:
Yermakovskaya T.A., Safonova N.N. [The features of the text-forming functioning of color vocabulary in B.K. Zaitsev’s works] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/20FLSK219.pdf (in Russian).
The features of the text-forming functioning of color vocabulary in B.K. Zaitsev’s works
Yermakovskaya Tatyana Alexandrovna
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut, Russia
E-mail: etad2009@mail.ru
Safonova Natalya Nikolaevna
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut, Russia
E-mail: natniksaf@rambler.ru
Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the features of the text-forming function of lexemes which include the ‘color’ and ‘light’ archisemes in B.K. Zaitsev’s works. With the help of the semantic-stylistic method, the author analyzed several works in order to identify the peculiarities of the writer’s idiostyle and determine the role of color-light lexis in it. As a result of the work done, the text-forming function of the color lexis has been proved, its connection with the main B.K. Zaitsev’s concepts has been shown. There has been proved the use of the above mentioned vocabulary with extended connotations which are due to the author’s ideological and moral views and philosophical content.
The analysis of the semantic filling of lexemes containing semes ‘color’ or ‘light’ allows to reveal the deep meanings of the concepts of Zaitsev’s works: life, death, man, truth, sun, star, calmness, etc.
The writer’s idiostyle is subordinated to the philosophical movement – pantheism, characterized by the general presence of the Divine principle, which led to the use of the vocabulary referring the reader to both Biblical texts and Solovyov’s philosophy in B.K. Zaitsev’s works. Color vocabulary plays a decisive role in such cases. In the author’s works the frequency of their use is great. They seem to line up the text, help create an image, unfold an action, are present throughout the narration, are stated in the names of many works and present in the protagonists’ names. The research materials are the data of lexicographical sources – the main etymological and definition dictionaries, as well as the texts of B.K. Zaitsev’s works. The practical significance of the study: the results can be used in the university teaching theory and literary history.
Keywords: color vocabulary; idiostyle; lexeme; concept; context; text-forming function
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