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For citation:
Isaeva D.V. [Religion as a factor of influence on the culture of sexual behavior of young people in Russia] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 1. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/18SCSK119.pdf (in Russian).
Religion as a factor of influence on the culture of sexual behavior of young people in Russia
Isaeva Daria Vladimirovna
Russian state social university, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: dasha.isaewa2014@yandex.ru
Abstract. This article examines religion in modern Russian society as a factor having a certain impact not only on the culture of the population as a whole, but on the specific “stratum” of this population – the youth. In modern youth, attitudes toward religion are often uncertain, many hesitate when answering the question about faith in God, or other “higher” forces. Moreover, while the question of religion is gradually fading into the background in the thoughts of young people of the 21st century, the topic of relations between the sexes and sexual relations is gaining popularity. In this regard, there are new questions about behavior in society, about the culture of communication, about the culture of behavior between young people, about the sexual aspects of interconnections. Religion at the same time does not share the views of modern youth. Therefore, today there is an acute question about the attitude of religion to manifestations of sexuality and sexual behavior of young people. A huge number of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, political scientists, cultural studies, theologians and sociologists are debating on this topic.
Keywords: culture; religion; religious behavior; sexual behavior; sexuality; youth
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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