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For citation:
Matochkina A.E. [Semantics and functioning of verbs приходить, тереться, ходить, якшаться in modern Russian] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/16FLSK219.pdf (in Russian).
Semantics and functioning of verbs приходить, тереться, ходить, якшаться in modern Russian
Matochkina Anna Evgenievna
Saint Petersburg state university, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: art-and-science2007@yandex.ru
Abstract. Synonyms are of particular difficulty for foreign students studying Russian language. Understanding the differences between lexical units, similar in meaning, and sometimes stylistics, not only contributes to their confident use in speech, but also increases students’ motivation to memorize them. In this article the authors considered some features of synonymous verbs of the group ‘maintaining contant’ to identify their semantic, stylistic and functional differences. The study involved the main explanatory and synonymous dictionaries of Russian language, data from a survey of native speakers of various ages and professions, as well as illustrative material from the National Corps of the Russian Language. The analysis of synonymous verbs is carried out according to such parameters as differences in meaning, number of valences, emotional and expressive coloring, stylistic belonging, recognition by native speakers, representation in modern texts, and also belonging to the group of passive vocabulary of speakers Russian language. During the study, answers were received to questions about whether the verbs ‘приходить’, ‘тереться’, ‘ходить’, ‘якшаться’ belong to the zones of near or far periphery pf the synonymous group of maintaining contact. During the analysis of illustrative material in stylistically colored verbs, it was possible to identify differences in the direction of connotation. Some verbs have meanings that are not listed in the dictionaries. In addition, a syncretism of the meanings of one of the verbs was found, which makes to possible to attribute this verb to the zone of the far periphery of the synonymic series. The article is a part of a thesis devoted to verbs of interpersonal contact.
Keywords: modern Russian; synonymous group; synonymic row structure; verbs of maintaining contact; syntagmatic connections; verbal compatibility; stylistic affilation
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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