World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Shit'kova M.M. [Objective evaluation in subjectivized narrative (ways to organize evaluative word sequence to describe the image of hero-narrator in Yuri Olesha’s novel “Envy”)] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

Objective evaluation in subjectivized narrative (ways to organize evaluative word sequence to describe the image of hero-narrator in Yuri Olesha’s novel “Envy”)

Shit’kova Marina Myasumovna
Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article reviews techniques of setting up an evaluative word sequence from textual stylistics point of view. The completed comprehensive stylistic analysis is based specifically on the study of text as a language usage phenomenon.

The subject of study is word sequence as a textual category. This approach allows to discuss specifics of textual organization as a whole, its word composition, since in this instance language facts of different language layers are analyzed in their interaction with each other, rather than separately. Such approach to analysis is particularly relevant in studies of fiction because it allows to review author’s language tools in their entirety. The article pays particular attention to such a concept of text stylistics as narrator’s image, providing illustrative examples that this textual category is revealed precisely by using analysis of word sequences.

The choice to study the language and word composition in Yuri Olesha’s novel “Envy” is based on the desire to identify the means of verbal sculpting of objective evaluation of the narrator’s image, who is simultaneously the novel’s principal character, with his own subjective view on the unfolding events. The article identifies compositional and verbal techniques among those that provide objective evaluation of the image. The article also proves that in image analysis of fictional work it is insufficient to evaluate the meaning of a stylistically colored language unit solely within its immediate context, without reviewing the functioning of such unit in the text as a whole — which is achieved through the analysis of word sequence as an element of language composition. This study has theoretical value of expanding as yet incomplete theory of word sequences, as well as narrator’s image from the point of view of text stylistics.

Keywords: verbal sequence; image of the narrator; evaluative vocabulary; text’s stylistics; verbal composition; stylistic analysis; Yuri Olecha «Envy»

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