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For citation:
Hu Z. [Speech strategies in television commercial] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 2. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/13FLSK223.pdf (in Russian).
Speech strategies in television commercial
Hu Ziming
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: st082227@student.spbu.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the development of the classification of speech strategies implemented in television commercials.
In recent decades, advertising discourse rich in language resources has attracted the attention of researchers in linguistics. Especially the study of advertising discourse on television as a complex macrostructure has great potential. To achieve the goal of advertising, in advertising appeal, as a rule, the wealth of language means is used, the choice of which is not accidental. They are implemented within the framework of speech strategies. The analysis of the features of speech strategies implemented in advertising should be based on an acceptable classification. However, there is still no acceptable classification for the systematic study of speech strategies in television commercial advertising.
Taking into account the peculiarities of advertising communication, after Popova E.S., in this study, a speech strategy is considered as a super task coming from the addressee, aimed at achieving a communicative or practical goal and designed for a certain perlocutionary effect. However, there is still no acceptable classification for the systematic study of speech strategies in television commercial advertising. So, the relevance of this study is due to the need to develop an acceptable classification of speech strategies as a theoretical basis for a systematic study of speech strategies in television commercial advertising.
Referring to the works of N.A. Golyadkin, E.E. Kornilova and V.L. Polukarov, the author reduces the tasks of TV advertising to three groups and presents the classification of speech strategies in TV commercials advertising. As a result of the study, three types of speech strategies implemented in television advertising are identified according to the objectives of advertising: presentation strategy, persuasive strategies (including persuasion and persuasion) and recalling strategy. Based on the position of Issers O.S., the author concludes that in order to achieve the overall goal of advertising in a particular advertising message is implemented the main strategy associated with the type of advertising, and auxiliary strategies defined by secondary objectives of advertising. In this study, speech strategies are disclosed using examples of advertising products of television commercials.
Keywords: speech strategy; television commercial advertising; advertising communication; advertising discourse; linguistic means; communicative techniques; lingvopragmatics
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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