World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2018, Vol. 9, No. 4. - go to content...

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For citation:

Belyaeva M.A., Ladygina T.A. [New Museum communication: digital reboot] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 4. Available at: (in Russian).

New Museum communication: digital reboot

Belyaeva Maria Alexeevna
Ekaterinburg academy of contemporary art, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Ladygina Tatiana Anatolievna
Krasnoufimsk museum of local lore, Krasnoufimsk, Russia

Abstract. This paper presents an analysis of the experience of the introduction of digital technologies in the work of the contemporary Museum for example Krasnoufimsky Museum of local lore (krasnoufimsk, Sverdlovsk oblast). The authors suggest that despite the change in status of the Museum as a social institution is its desakralizaciju (the era of the Museum as a temple and a priceless artifact store passed), small city local history museum plays an important role in the preservation of cultural memory, promotion of the territory and its cultural heritage, the development of leisure industry and entertainment. The authors distinguish five new Museum communications made possible by networking and a number of Government initiatives in the field of cultural policy: 1) digitization of Museum Collections; 2) digital communication with regional and federal information bases and access to consumers far beyond the territory served; 3) interaction with consumer-representatives of local communities through social networks; 4) combined practices of interaction of physical and virtual world using QR codes; 5) create virtual museums as separate projects or installations within the physical space of the Museum. The authors note a number of problems and difficulties related to the digitalisation of the Museum of communication in a Russian province, but in General see great possibilities for economic and spiritual revival of small towns, related to the conservation, study and popularization kuturnogo heritage, and promoting the formation of territorial brands. One of the authors (Ladygina T.A.) is a member of the expert group develops and implements the concept of the brand Krasnoufimsk («Krasnoufimsk – City County traditions»).

Keywords: digitalization; Museum of communication; cultural heritage; cultural memory; territorial brand; small town

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