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For citation:
Uvarov I.A., Leskova I.V. [To search for new guidelines for reforming the domestic penal system] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2024, Vol. 15, No. 3. Available at: https://sfk-mn.ru/PDF/07SCSK324.pdf (in Russian).
To search for new guidelines for reforming the domestic penal system
Uvarov Igor Alekseevich
Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Stavropol, Russia
E-mail: uvarov.igor@mail.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2678-7505
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=456707
Leskova Irina Valeryevna
Federal State University of Education, Moscow, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: leskova.i@yandex.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6083-6692
RSCI: https://elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=510760
WoS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/rid/AAC-8948-2020
SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=56610215200
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=BfYOFYMAAAAJ
Abstract. The crisis processes in our country related to the transition period have affected all spheres of life of our state. The change in the current political situation in the world could not but affect the intensification of crisis processes in our country. The authors of the article have been working on the problem of penitentiary prevention implemented by the domestic penal enforcement system for a long time. Considering that the system of execution of punishment is a very important state institution designed to combat crime, it could not be ignored by those socially negative processes that are directly related to the crisis phenomena that occur in the modern world. Hence, there is a direct causal relationship between the liberal reforms implemented in the state economy and the implementation of the goals of penitentiary prevention. The authors show by concrete examples that the liberalization of the current criminal and penal enforcement legislation was carried out without taking into account the specifics of not only the country’s economy, but also the system of organizing the correction of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. An attempt to extrapolate the experience of the so-called «developed states», in fact, led to the fact that quite effective forms and methods of correctional influence on convicts in conditions of closed (isolated) social education were lost. The authors convincingly show that the implementation of the reform of the domestic penal enforcement system was carried out not only without taking into account the presence of specific social formations in it — the penitentiary society and the penitentiary community, but also without the necessary sociological research in such cases. As a result, there was a discrepancy between the legislator and the law enforcement officer. As a result, the main subject of influence on convicts has become the penitentiary society, which actively uses not only the informal system of relations in the penitentiary society, but also legal forms of influence on convicts through human rights and ethno-religious organizations.
Keywords: penal enforcement system; reform of the penal enforcement system; development of the penal enforcement system; penitentiary society; penitentiary community; penitentiary prevention
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ISSN 2542-0577 (Online)
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