World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. - go to content...

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Napso M.B. [National and ethnocultural identity in realities of postmodern and metamodern] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

National and ethnocultural identity in realities of postmodern and metamodern

Napso Maryana Bakhsetovna
North-Caucasus state academy, Cherkessk, Russia

Abstract. Owing to change globalistic paradigm actual character have got scientific discussions (including comparative character) about a role of the modern state and its relations with overstate formations, about value of national identity, the national right, ethnocultural identity in strengthening of the constitutional both state bases and definition of prospects of the state development. Including a problematics of giving of national identity смыслообразующей bases of the state building, the author considers it from the various points of view: (1) in realities of globalisation, postmodern, metamodern and pandemics; (2) in a context of doctrines of the constitutional patriotism, neoconservatism, the constitutional identity, the strong state; (3) through a prism of institutes of human rights, the rights of minority and the rights of the people and (4) in the ratio with the amendments brought on national voting to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to the author, the increased inquiry about national identity is the most adequate answer to calls and threats of an epoch of a postpostmodern and result of negative consequences of its negation globalistic paradigm. The modern purposes independent and safe state, international and межконфессионального developments cannot be reached with use of toolkit of the postmodern, based on the extremely individualist approach and application of the ways standardised as the western civilisation. In the conditions of an aggravation of problems of identification and self-identification the role of institute of the collective rights increases and approaches in a question on a parity of institute of human rights (the individual rights) and the rights of the people (the collective rights) are reconsidered at realisation of the right to preservation of own identity, originality. The author is convinced that in modern conditions for savings of national and ethnocultural identity as values of the whole community the institute of the collective rights, called to protect community as carrier of original values and its identity is especially claimed: realisation of the individual right to self-identification does not keep uniqueness of the community and its culture, and only gives to the individual the right of a free choice ассоциировать itself or not with this or that identity. The author comes to a conclusion that strengthening national identity is equitable to interests of the state development, allowing to overcome contradictions of the period of change of a postmodernist paradigm and the statement of the new.

Keywords: globalisation; a postmodern; a metamodern; national identity; ethnocultural identity; the constitutional identity; neoconservatism; the constitutional patriotism; strong state; the rights of the individual; the right of minority; the rights of the nations

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