World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2021, Vol. 12, No. 2. - go to content...

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For citation:

Kushnina L.V., Glagolev Ya.B. [Anthropocentric principles of the phenomenon of proper noun metatranslation transposition] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 2. Available at: (in Russian).

Anthropocentric principles of the phenomenon of proper noun metatranslation transposition

Kushnina Ludmila Veniaminovna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia

Glagolev Yaroslav Borisovitch
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia

Abstract. The authors of the article examine the metatranslation transposition of the proper noun in view of anthropocentric principles implying intersubjective interaction of communicators from the different cultures of language. The following theories and concepts have become the methodologic grounds of the research: the theory of the proper noun-anthroponym, the theory of the proper noun translation in literary text; synergetic concept of translation space, the theory of metatranslation, the theory of transposition. The concept of metatranslation transposition of the proper noun-anthroponym has been sunstantiated in the article. Such transposition is considered to be the result of the translator’s linguistic persona self-awareness both in the original text and in text of translation which is reflected in the mental space of translation formed from the translation space and metatranslation space. Being in nature the cognitive phenomenon the process of transposition is the possible linguistic and speech strategy of the translator’s activity due to which it is performed harmonic translation of the proprium connotation of the proper nouns existing in the discourses of each culture. Examination of the literary text onomastic space shows the text forming. discourse forming and culture forming function of the proper nouns-anthroponyms generated by the writers. These proper nouns-anthroponyms reflect national-cultural and individual-authors’ specificity of the original text. These functions should be translated harmonically. It means that they should possess the same cultural, textual and discursive potential what is available when the proper relation and adequacy of senses appearing as a result of their synergy and harmonization in the translation space have been achieved. The fragments of the Russian-French literary discourse being the kind of the institutional discourse have been employed as the empirical material of the research. As a result of the conducted study it has been stated that in the process of metatranslation transposition from one language culture to another the proper nouns are subjected to different semantic changes provided by the synergetic augment of new senses acceptable in the foreign culture and conceived by the recipients in the natural way.

Keywords: proper noun-anthroponym; metatranslation; metatranslation transposition; language culture; literary discourse; metatext; onyms; translation spase; harmonic translation; synergy of senses

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