World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies
World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies

2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. - go to content...

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For citation:

Yermakovskaya T.A., Safonova N.N. [Individual author’s representation of the token «home» in the works of M.I. Tsvetaeva 1918–1941-ies] World of Science. Series: Sociology, Philology, Cultural Studies, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3. Available at: (in Russian).

Individual author’s representation of the token «home» in the works of M.I. Tsvetaeva 1918–1941-ies

Yermakovskaya Tatyana Alexandrovna
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut, Russia

Safonova Natalya Nikolaevna
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut, Russia

Abstract. The article is devoted to the presentation of the results of the analysis of token «home» as a fragment of the artistic discourse of M. Tsvetaeva. The value of the token is considered based on lexical-semantic analysis of text. The purpose of the study is understanding the value of the token «home» in the works of M. Tsvetaeva, identifying individual copyright understanding marked lexical units. Relevance of the research is dictated by the need to clarify and supplement the existing lexicographical descriptions in accordance with the ongoing process of semantic expansion, as well as the ability to create a dictionary of the poet. As a research facility used by M. Tsvetaeva lyrics, poems, prose and epistolary heritage. The article deals with the question of the relationship between the generally accepted meaning of the word «House» in Russian national language conscience with meanings specific to the creativity of the poet. Analysis of the inner circle of the token «home» revealed a few semantic fields, entering into a complex system of reciprocal links. Special attention is paid to the artistic realization of ideas M.I. Tsvetaeva in texts, where lexical units related to their individual copyright understanding semantically relate to other tokens: soul House, House-dream home-death house-housing showers and etc. Proven use of designated advanced vocabulary connotations arising from the individual author’s views and beliefs. Material research interest in terms of applying it in the implementation of literary analysis of the text. The practical significance of the material is that its main findings can be used in University development of cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, conceptual analysis, as well as in studying theory and history literature.

Keywords: token; lexical semantics; ideostyle writer; language picture of the world; context

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